Are Covid Vaccines Safe and Effective as Advertised?

Are the Covid-19 gene therapies, which have been mislabeled as “vaccines”, authorized for use in 2021 safe and effective as claimed by the government and others?


After more than 24 months of studying this question (as of the August 23, 2022 update to this article), this article was published to explain why Covid-19 vaccines are not safe for mass human injection, at least not at the time of this publication.

These gene therapies are neither safe nor effective when compared against all previous vaccines authorized for use throughout the entire USA vaccine history.


I believe ALL the research I have done has been from credible sources which will be acceptable to anyone who is fair minded and capable of critical thinking.

A significant amount of research has been done using VAERS, an acronym which stands for VACCINE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING SYSTEM.

This database was created by congress in 1990, 31 years ago as of this writing and 32 years ago as of this August 23, 2022 update. Its purpose is to be an advance early warning system to help detect when there are adverse events from vaccines, so they can be studied and corrected – or taken off the market.

It can be used by health professionals and even the public to report adverse events from vaccines. It’s administered by Health and Human Services (HHS) with FDA and CDC support.

The public can freely access the database and pull their own reports. However, their system is cumbersome and difficult to use, which is one element causing severe UNDER-reporting of adverse vaccine events.


The Lazarus Study from Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, Inc. (NOT associated with Harvard University, but nonetheless the study was funded by the federal government), conducted a thorough study of VAERS to determine how widely it had been adopted and what percent of adverse events were being reported.

This report states “. . .fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” This means, the statistics you see are up to 100 times higher in reality.

The Lazarus study is legitimate. However, the 1% under-reporting estimate is an overall number. It doesn’t account for the variables in reporting the different adverse events. Accordingly, this peer-reviewed study has been widely criticized.

However, everybody in government, medical and scientific communities acknowledge VAERS data really is severely underreported. The only point of disagreement is how much is the underreporting.

Lawsuit Attempting to Stop Distribution of Gene Therapy “Vaccines”

When trying to estimate the UNDER-reporting of deaths from Covid-19 vaccines, a more conservative estimate is the one claimed in AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS, et al vs XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, et al.

In this lawsuit, America’s Frontline Doctors (Plaintiffs) provide evidence from an eye-witness whistleblower, a (“. . .computer programmer with subject matter expertise in the healthcare data analytics field, and access to Medicare and Medicaid data maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). . .”), that the vaccine deaths reported in VAERS is underreported by a factor of at least 5. (See Page 41 of the Complaint.)

This means, when trying to assess the actual number of deaths caused by mRNA/DNA gene therapies (“Covid-19 vaccines”) is actually closer to 102,000 instead of the reported number of more than 20,000 as cited at VAERS as of December 10, 2021. If you believe the Lazarus report is more accurate, the number of deaths from vaccines is truly staggering at about 1.9 million.

As of this update, August 23, 2022, the number of deaths reported as an adverse event of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines is 30,347. This means that as of this update, the actual number of deaths attributable to the vaccines would be 151,375. This is a truly staggering number. In past vaccine development, it was unthinkable that deaths could reach this massive number without the vaccine or drug being withdrawn from the market. Yet the government – the CDC and FDA – remain silent and refuse to take action to remove these deadly drugs from the market.

My personal opinion is that some data is underreported by 99% as stated in the Lazarus Report. But I believe deaths are underreported either as stated by the whistleblower witness in which deaths are at least 5 times higher than reported, or perhaps significantly more.   

For example, another credible source – which I believe provides an ever more concise and accurate calculation, estimates Covid vaccine deaths in the United States at 150,000 as of September 1 2021. It’s much higher now.

Have you heard ANYTHING about this from YOUR news sources? Not likely unless you’re done the kind of research I have done. 

Censoring free speech and opposing viewpoints is anti-American and dangerous to freedom and liberty, and in this case our very lives and health.

By the time this article is published the same calculation will result in almost 200,000 vaccine related deaths.

This second estimate of vaccine-related death is an excellent, well-reasoned analysis of underreporting. This was created by Steve Kirsh’s team and presented to the CDC and remains an official government record as Attachment 1 – Estimating the number of Covid Vaccine Deaths of the formal report submitted to the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices who advises and makes recommendations to the CDC)

Meanwhile, a key witness in this lawsuit risked his or her liberty by issuing sworn testimony. He or She can face criminal prosecution by issuing a false statement. The witness’s life is currently in danger due to death threats from this continuing lawsuit.

Because of this, the judge in the case allowed the witness identity to be hidden and remain secret. The case is pending as of the article’s publication date.

Regardless of the number of deaths after getting a shot of the “vaccine”, it is extremely high when compared to all other drugs approved for use in the USA. Compare these vaccines to the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 which was pulled off the market after only 53 deaths. (See Page 41, end of paragraph 2.) THIS is just ONE important element of what I mean by my claim that the current so-called vaccines are not safe when compared to all other vaccines in United States history. 

Ask yourself, exactly what IS your tolerance for death by vaccine? Is it 53? Is it 3? Is it more than 30,000 as shown in the current VAERS data . . . or 150,000+ as claimed by the lawsuit whistleblower . . . or ever MORE as stated in Steve Kirsh’s study?

Have American standards for healthcare safety REALLY fallen this far? Or are the government, social media and news outlets censoring, canceling, covering up, and concealing vital information from the public?

Have you questioned the morality of forcing everyone to get a shot?

  • Even those who don’t need it,
  • those with sincerely held religious beliefs against it,
  • those whose health would be in great danger and would likely die with this type of injection,
  • those who are already immune, with BETTER immunity that the “vaccine” can provide,
  • . . . and those who are simply opposed to tyrannical government mandates?

A private group has established OPEN VAERS to provide regular updates and reports on the most common and popular issues. Here’s a screenshot of the header on the OPEN VAERS website homepage as I write this article:

Graphical user interface, text, website

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Here’s an updated screenshot as of August 23, 2022:


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Everyone using VAERS and OPEN VAERS is aware that these reports ARE NOT PROOF OF CAUSALITY.

But this is a voluntary system and most people who upload reports, do so because they have strong reasons to BELIEVE a drug or vaccine caused or at least triggered the injury or death. A typical example would be a loved one who was perfectly healthy, then suddenly DIES with 24, 48 or 72 hours of receiving an mRNA shot.

Events like this MUST be investigated. But they aren’t.

Whether or not the vaccine caused the death requires formal study and autopsy – same as with deaths that are reported dying “with” instead of “from ” or “of” Covid.

Covid-19 vaccines have resulted in ALL adverse events  going off the charts – not just death – when compared to the entire history of ALL vaccine adverse events over the past 31 years!

Even if the so-called vaccines did not cause these adverse reactions, there’s so much data here that there’s a VERY good chance a significant number of the cases reports WERE caused by the vaccines.

This early warning system is literally SCREAMING to have these cases thoroughly investigated. But are the FDA and CDC investigating?


To break down the numbers above, consider the following table I created from the statistics as of November 12, 2021:

Table Comparing Covid-19 Vaccines to ALL Vaccines in the 31-Year History of VAERS

Table Comparing VAERS All-Time Vaccine Deaths to Covid Vaccine Deaths

Graphic Visualization from the Above Data

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But, when we look at the current data from the above statistics as reported by Open VAERS, we see the numbers visually depicted are dramatic to say the least. When comparing ALL deaths from ALL vaccines for the entire 31-year history of VAERS to the first 10 months of 2021, here’s what you get:

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Below is an update of this same report as of August 12, 2022. News has been spreading about the failed efficacy of the vaccine and at least “some” news about the dangers of these drugs. This has resulted in a sharp decline of willing participants taking “the jab”:


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Here Are Deaths Occurring Day 0 to Day 28 After Getting the Shot

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Next, OPEN VAERS created THIS new chart and published it on November 23, 2021. It was emailed to subscribers like me.

It further emphasizes that we’re witnessing the biggest safety signal in the entire history of VAERS and proves the correlation between fully vaccinated people and the number of vaccine injuries from these mRNA/DNA therapies:

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How can we NOT take a vital interest in this information? In the past, America had almost ZERO tolerance for drugs that cause even a small amount of death. What happened?

The true believers in these vaccines like to point out that the risk is worth the reward and that the data I’m showing you is a tiny fraction of the total number of people vaccinated.

REALLY? Has America lost its moral compass so completely that 150,000 deaths (or more) from the vaccine, and almost 1,000,000 adverse reactions JUST FROM THE mRNA VACCINES as of today’s date somehow justify forcing the entire USA (and world) population to take the jab?

It wasn’t long ago that somewhere between 3 and 53 deaths were cause for IMMEDIATELY pulling any drug off the market. Now we see 30,353 to more than 150,000 deaths and nobody in power even CARES? What happened?

To believe the “risk is worth the reward”, you would ALSO have to believe Covid-19 is a massive killer with 10%, 20%, 30% or even 50% of more of those getting it dying. The truth is, Covid-19 is a disease in which MORE THAN 99.8% SURVIVE.

The fear instilled in the masses is irrational. Sure, Covid-19 is dangerous FOR SOME PEOPLE. But not for most. Those with healthy immune systems have little to fear from the disease, but a LOT to fear from the gene therapy “vaccines”.

Lies, half-truths and suppression of free speech by a coalition of government entities, big tech, big pharma, have divided the public, many of whom have believed the propaganda and lies and a smaller percent who reject their false claims.

Clearly, SOMETHING IS WRONG. You would think the FDA and the CDC would aggressively study and analyze all these adverse events in VAERS. But they don’t. They won’t. They AREN’T.


When MOST people view the above charts and graphs for the first time, they are alarmed. You can check the current stats and view these charts anytime you want by simply going to the same page where I pulled these charts and graphs in Open VAERS.

The Ultimate Dichotomy

Covid-19-Caused Deaths


Vaccine-Caused Deaths

Let’s apply a little critical thinking to the way we’re told we MUST view Covid-19 morbidity statistics.

Here’s an interesting dichotomy for you – according to the government (and big media):


    BUT . . .



NEITHER of these statistics were subject to AUTOPSIES to prove causality.

  • No autopsies from Covid deaths
    • But as you’ll see below there’s a hidden admission from the CDC that only 5% of reported Covid deaths are ONLY caused by Covid-19.
  • No autopsies from Vaccine deaths.
    • Yet the highest recorded DEATH adverse event in the 32-year history of VAERS by a factor of 100’s of times.

An autopsy is the ONLY method to determine cause of death with any certainty.

And yet, when you take an honest look at the way each set of statistics is compiled, it’s obvious that VACCINE DEATH STATISTICS are more believable than Covid death statistics.

This dichotomy is ESPECIALLY important when you consider these two sets of facts, BOTH directly from the CDC:

    1. When citing Covid-19 deaths, the government provides daily statistics. Social media, mainstream news and government pronouncements have convinced the public that COVID-19 caused the deaths.

These conclusions are pronounced as fact, but there are . . .

      1. NO autopsies, the only method to determine cause.
      2. NO questioning whether Covid-19 was the actual cause (deaths are cited “with” not “from” Covid),
      3. 4.0 additional co-morbidities in 95% of the so-called Covid-19 deaths,
      4. Only 5% to 6% of Covid-19 deaths reported with Covid-19 being the ONLY cause,
      5. Deep controversies surrounding the way Covid-19 deaths are compiled

        “Trust Us”is what the government tells us with respect to their assessment of Covid-19 deaths.

    1. When citing Vaccine Deaths reported by VAERS, the official early-warning mechanism established by Congress . . .
      1. We are told VAERS reports “do not indicate causality”.
      2. We are ALSO told that VACCINES are NOT the likely cause of death (without autopsies).
      3. The FDA is not studying the alarming VAERS reports.
      4. The CDC is not studying the alarming VAERS reports.
      5. Those reporting to VAERS absolutely BELIEVE the death was caused by the vaccine.
        Neither the FDA nor the CDC is aggressively studying the alarming early warning signs – which is the whole purpose of VAERS.

        “Trust Us”is what the government tells us with respect to their assessment of Covid-19 deaths.

The only way to get a fair comparison is to apply the same rules to both data sets (Covid deaths vs Vaccine deaths).

The Covid-19 death toll and case counts are trumpeted daily on news stories, analyzed by medical experts and their spokespeople ad nauseum. It is simply ASSUMED that all the data they cite is absolute and correct.

We are NOT to question these things.


“With Covid” and “From Covid” Are Not The Same

They (government, big tech, mainstream media, social media, etc.) use the term “with Covid” and “from Covid” interchangeably, yet the meanings are completely different. Meanwhile, VAERS reports of death and injury are dismissed out of hand as if they don’t exist.

Statistics you will see related to Covid-19 deaths USUALLY cite people died “from” Covid and not simply “with ” Covid, which is what happens in 95% of these deaths, according to the CDC.

Yet, one statistic you won’t see in mainstream media was revealed in 2020 as “. . . only 6% of Covid deaths are people who died with Covid as the ONLY cause.” That report went on to cite that people who died “from” Covid-19 had an additional 2.6 co-morbidities that could have caused death as well. The source is the CDC itself.

NOW, as of December 2021, the CDC has updated these statistics. Now, it’s only 5% of the “Covid” deaths died “from” Covid-19 listed as the ONLY cause. They further state “. . . there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.”

Hmmmm. Not hearing this on your daily news? Why not?

Want to check the most current numbers for yourself? Here’s a link that goes right to the citation on the CDC website. Here’s another link that’ll just take you to the full page where you’ll have to scroll down to the section on Comorbidities to find the updated statistics.

Something is SERIOUSLY WRONG when the CDC and FDA don’t even investigate these dramatic reports in VAERS. Their response so far has been to simply claim the obvious, which everyone understands, and that is this data from VAERS does not indicate causality.

Uh Huh.

And dying “from” Covid is far different than dying “with” Covid – ESPECIALLY when the CDC openly admits that the average “Covid death” has 4.0 Additional Life-Threatening Conditions and only 5% to 6% die with Covid-19 listed as the “only” cause of death.

The VAERS data DOES indicate a problem that must be investigated.

Vaccine safety demands full investigation of ALL VACCINE DEATHS especially with the dramatic difference between Covid-19 vaccines and all other vaccines through the 31-year history of VAERS that you see above.

Rapid Reduction in Efficacy

Most of us believed our government back in early 2020 when they told us vaccines would soon have us back to normal and get rid of the virus. Obviously, they were wrong.

Efficacy is waning so fast that now, with these mRNA/DNA gene therapies, only 11 months after official roll-out, at least one and perhaps MORE than one additional booster shots are being recommended (that’s a total minimum of 3 or 4 shots being recommended at the time of publication . . . and perhaps soon-to-be REQUIRED).

So, three or four shots instead of one or two . . . what’s next, a lifetime of shots 2 to 4 times a year? This is “not” a vaccine in the traditional sense. It’s a drug.

Have you noticed that the annual flu shot has NEVER been called a “vaccine”. . . until the gene therapies were rolled out? Yet now, you often hear the term ‘flu vaccine”. Hmmmm . . . why is that?

See my article on the vaccine definition changes from January and June 2021 by Miriam-Webster Dictionary for a detailed expose of this trickery by government and media colluding to mislead and fool the public into thinking they’re getting a traditional vaccine that prevents disease. THIS WAS A CAREFULLY ORCHESTRATED LIE.

If you want to see misinformation and propaganda alive and well in America, look no further than this manipulation of the English language to fit the political vaccine-as-the-only-Covid-solution narrative to imply safety by re-defining gene therapies to include them with the definition of vaccines where it doesn’t belong, for the sole purpose of lending credibility to experimental drugs.

Valid Research Ignored and Censored When It Doesn’t Fit The Narrative

I think everyone should do what I did. Take the time, in fact MAKE the time to do your own independent research. This article and another section in my article “Covid-19 Has Been Politicized” will give you a head start and save you countless hours searching for hard-to-find data and authoritative sources which are STILL hidden from the public by Big Tech, the mainstream media and government.

Check the opposing viewpoint to the “official narrative”, which I’m presenting in this series of articles. Do this on EVERYTHING you are told about Covid by government, big tech and anyone with some kind of authority or power. This is REALLY important.

The government tries to downplay and minimize the importance of issues raised in my articles. Don’t believe them and do your OWN research.

I won’t be surprised if they even try to silence me, too. They’ll always call adverse events “rare” as if we shou3034d not be concerned. As you will see by going through this entire series of articles, the adverse events are NOT rare at all – WHEN COMPARED TO ALL OTHER VACCINES DEVELOPED IN USA HISTORY.

No “vaccine” in history has come anywhere close to the massive number of adverse events and deaths as have these gene therapies.

PLEASE take some time and follow at least some of the links provided here. Then remind yourself of this:

There are now (as of the August 23, 2022 update to this article) more than 1,000,000 Covid-19 vaccine-related injuries reported in VAERS. VAERS already reported more than 100,000 vaccine-related hospitalizations in the USA (102,857 as of December 3, 2021).

Once again referring back to the peer-reviewed Lazarus Report

  • These numbers may account for only 1/100th of the REAL numbers.
    • The Lazarus Report states “. . .fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
  • The entire medical and scientific community agree that VAERS is very much underreported.
    • Even if you don’t believe the 99% underreporting, everyone in the medical & scientific community agrees the underreporting is severe.
    • Exactly what is your tolerance level for acceptable for vaccine injuries and death?
  • The current vaccine death count reported in VAERS is 30,347 as of August 12, 2022.

Are you getting information this from YOUR news sources? Most people will say NO.

CONCLUSION: Covid-19 Vaccines Should Be Immediately Banned

Never before in American history has ANY drug or vaccine been released on the public with such a large percentage of death and injury reported.

Never before has there been such a concerted effort by government and willing allies in media and big tech to suppress the truth about these drugs and coerce mass injection of an experimental drug on an unsuspecting public.

Every drug and/or vaccine in American history with a track record of death and injury even a tiny fraction of what the mRNA vaccines have produced was immediately pulled and banned. Until mRNA vaccines are PROVEN safe and effective, they should be immediately banned and withdrawn from the marketplace. Preventative measures and early treatment have proven to be far better at truly protecting the public from Covid-19.

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