Why Masks Don’t Work On Covid-19

They became the international symbol of Covid-19. Governments mandated them. We were told they work. Many think they do. Others don’t. What’s the truth? Do facemasks reduce the transmission and infection rates of Covid-19 or not?


In this article, I’ll break down the whole mask-wearing narrative and debate.

Masking for protection of self and others against viral infections has been studied for more than 100 years. To this day, there isn’t a single RTS (Randomized Trial Study) that provides definitive proof that universal masking has any impact whatsoever to ether prevent infection or slow the transmission of any virus, including Covid-19.

Covid-19 Is Spread Primarily Through Aerosols

We’ll begin with a discussion of exactly how Covid spreads. 

Below, you’ll see a short video that demonstrates why masks cannot possibly prevent infection or transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 

But first, let’s look at the SARS-CoV2-19 particle itself:

This is it. Spike protein trimers protrude from it. This thing is between 0.07 to 0.09 microns (aka micrometer). A micrometer is one millionth of one meter or one 25,000th of one inch. 

To be clear, we’re talking about a tiny fraction of one micron. A Covid particle is only seven to nine hundredths of one micron.   

Think of it this way:  One hundredth of a micron equals dividing an inch into 2.5 million sections. Seven hundredths means 7 of these sections which equals 357,143 Covid particles in one inch. We’re talking TINY.

This is so small that one of the best comparisons I’ve heard explaining why face masks cannot possibly inhibit ingress or egress of this particle through a facemask as worn by the public is this:

“It would be like trying to stop a mosquito from getting through a chain link fence.” I heard this same statement from numerous physicians, scientists and other experts as I studied the masking issue.

Initially, early in 2020, the general thinking was that Covid was spread through droplets. So, when people sneeze, cough, spit or talk, fluid goes into the atmosphere from their mouth and/or nose.

But by early summer, it was well-documented that the virus spreads primarily through aerosol. This is essentially the breath you expel and the air you breathe.

The Lancet Confirms Aerosols To Be The Primary Transmission Environment

On April 15, 2021, The Lancet published a paper titled “Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2.”

This paper rejects the theory that Covid is spread primarily through droplets which fall quickly to the ground once expelled.  Scientific evidence proves otherwise.

If Covid were spread through droplets, the protective measures forced on the public would have been effective. But they weren’t.

For instance, reducing direct contact, cleaning surfaces, physical barriers, physical distancing and use of masks within droplet distance should have produced results.

But they didn’t, especially not with masks as you’ll see in this article.

All the scientific evidence points to airborne transmission of this virus.

Here’s a summary of these 10 scientific reasons:

  1. Patterns of transmission have emerged from certain events and interactions between people in care homes, cruise ships, correctional facilities, slaughterhouses and other venues. These patterns suggest ventilation systems spread the virus through air circulation.
  2. Long range transmission between people in different rooms has been documented, when the virus did not spread in each other’s presence. 
  3. Asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 who are not coughing or sneezing accounts for one third up to 59% of all transmission globally.
  4. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is higher indoors than outdoors, and reduced indoors with proper filtered ventilation. This supports a predominantly airborne route.
  5. Healthcare organizations with very strict contact-and-droplet precautions and PPE but with no airborne protections documented transmission that supported only aerosol transmission.
  6. SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in the air  and stayed infectious for hours in samples from rooms and from infected person’s car.
  7. SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in air filters and building ducts in hospitals with Covid patients which could only be reached by aerosols.  
  8. Animal studies in which infected subjects were connected to non-infected subjects only through an air duct have shown transmission of SARS-CoV-2.  Only aerosol transmission can explain the infections.
  9. There are zero studies refuting the hypothesis of aerosol transmission.
  10. There is limited evidence showing any other dominant route of transmission.

This Lancet study holds that airborne transmission is the dominant method of transmission of SARS-CoV-2. They further urge the public health community to act accordingly and without further delay.

Most public health officials, politicians and others have ignored this advice from Lancet.

Anesthesiologist Provides Clear Demonstration of Mask Failure to Filter Aerosols

Dr. Theodore Noel is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist from Orlando, FL. He produced a 16-minute video discussing two studies of contact tracing to illustrate how Covid-19 is transmitted from person to person. This is the best visual demonstration I have seen.

You don’t need to have a PhD, be a scientist or a physician to understand that the tiny particles within your breath come from somewhere and must go somewhere when you breathe in and out. 

The type of masks used in universal masking of the population, from cloth to surgical to N95, allow those particles pass right through or around the mask.  See what happens using vape to illustrate what happens when breathing in and out through a facemask, and remember, vape particles are larger than Covid particles:

I recommend when you have time that you watch the entire 16-minute video.  At the beginning he gives a very good explanation of how Covid-19, influenza and other viruses spread through aerosol transmission.  He also provides much more context before and after the short clip above. (By the way, he makes it clear that he does not smoke.)


This shouldn’t be hard. Face masks failed to stop or slow the spread of Covid everywhere.

Again, there’s no need for advanced degrees or knowledge to understand this.  Common sense will show you the dismal failure by simply looking at the statistical results in the charts below.

Look at how masking up worked in various countries, states in the USA and other locations worldwide.

Europe has been a shining example of compliance with masking up. Check this overview of Europe from the inception of mask mandates through October 2020.  Did Universal Masking (black lines) prevent Covid cases compared to those countries (red lines) that did not require masks?  

How about when we examine individual countries? Check out Austria. They started requiring masks 10 days after the down trend started.  by October, with a highly compliant public, cases were 4 times greater than when they started.

Germany mandated masks and was touted as such a success!  Until it failed . . . notice how quickly cases increased once Fall set it.  Sound familiar?  (Think Influenza.)

The French didn’t mandate masks until May 2020.  Yet, 5 months later, they were producing more than 10,000 cases a day.  And that’s with one of the highest masking compliance rates in the world.

Spain wasn’t far behind France. They required masks when the case rate was close to zero, but again, within 5 months, despite high compliance with mask wearing, the case rate was about 1500% higher than when the mandate was initiated.

As you can see the British were late to the party and didn’t mandate masks until July 2020.  Within 3 months, they too were at 1500% of the case rate as when the mandate started. This despite one of the highest compliance rates in the world.

Belgium is next up, having implemented mask mandates after the UK.  By the end of October 2020, they had a case rate even higher than the British.

Within only two months of requiring universal masking, Ireland shot up to 1000% of the case load at the start of masking.

Here we see Italy, the first real hot-spot in the world for Covid-19. They had a high rate of mask-wearing without a mandate. But, the government finally mandated masks very late in the game and look what happened. Covid just doesn’t care if you’re wearing a mask or not.

Now we need to look at the USA. Despite no mandates in many states, the USA remained near the top of mask-wearing compliance.

California likes to lead the USA and the world in big government, liberty-killing, restrictive policies. So of course universal mask mandates were needed in their big-government and big-regulation mindset.  Here’s where it got them:

Hawaii never misses a chance to curtail the liberties of their citizens either. They were early to implement both lockdowns and mask mandates. Despite warnings from those of us who studied the 100-year failed history of mask mandates, here’s how Hawaii fared with Universal Masking: 

And by the way, have you read the fine print on these boxes of surgical masks?  They all say something along the line of “not intended to reduce the transmission of disease.”  Hmmm.

For more on exactly why masking up does not make you safer, nor does it protect anyone from you, keep reading.

Industrial Hygiene Expert Reveals Why Facemasks Cannot Block SARS-CoV-2

There’s a whole industry most people don’t know about: Exposure Science. Industrial Hygienists work in this industry.  They are the world’s experts when it comes to exposure of elements in the atmosphere and on surfaces . . . like virus particles.

They train the doctors, hang out at OSHA and NIOSH, create the safety protocols, design the equipment used by Hospitals and Biolabs. They set up “clean rooms” and understand exposure points and the collateral risks of policy and processes.

Tyson Gabriel, an Industrial Hygienist, created a very good video explaining why it’s impossible for universal masking to work. He also analyzed the studies used by the CDC and others who claim their studies allegedly “prove” that masking up reduces the spread of Covid.

Can you guess what he discovered? Yep. Each one of the studies on which the CDC relied to conclude universal masking was effective and necessary, was fatally flawed. They didn’t prove anything whatsoever about the efficacy of masking up.

Just Wear a Mask Or You’ll Kill Grandma

Yes, that’s the title of Tyson Gabriel’s video; actually, it’s 6 short videos, but he linked them all together into a 1-hour presentation. If you don’t have a spare hour, following is my summary of this very informative work.

One primary reason universal masking was never compelled by governments in the past (i.e. pre-Covid) is the medical and exposure science industries have proven that, not only does Universal Masking fail to stop an aerosolized virus, but the masks themselves cause more harm than good.

Did you read that? “They cause more harm than good!”

Since this was well proven during the century prior to the Covid pandemic, you may be asking yourself, “why was there a coordinated effort by governments worldwide to force universal masking on their citizens?” Good question. I deal with that in my article Covid-19 Has Been Politicized.

Aren’t N95 Masks Better?

N95 masks have been touted as “effective” to reduce the spread and infection of Covid. Let’s examine this claim.

First, let’s look at how N95 works. The “N” stands for “non-oil-resistant”. It’s used in medical settings. These masks cannot be effectively used where oil-based products create an exposure. In fact, federal law requires the N95 respirator (“respirator” not a “mask” – they’re different) to be sealed to the face (See OSHA Reg 29 CFR §1910.134(e)).

Do you know anyone sealing their N95 to their face? No? In fact, the sealing is a technical procedure that requires a trained professional to perform. It’s done in a carefully controlled manner. Neither cloth nor surgical masks can stop viruses. Professionally sealed N95 respirators may stop some viral particles. Not all.

N95 masks are designed to be worn only for short durations, like one or two hours at a time. After that, they must be removed, discarded, and a new mask fitted and sealed. Have you seen people wearing them all day? Well. That violates OSHA regulations. More importantly, it destroys any hope of efficacy.

Hierarchy of Controls

This is a standard premise at the core of the Exposure Sciences Industry.  In the info graphic below, notice that masks offer the very lowest (weakest, least-effective) level of control over exposure to virus particles and other contaminants.


As you can see, the now-famous acronym “PPE” is at the very bottom of this infographic that shows the most effective and important methods to control exposure at the top. Personal Protective Equipment is the “least” effective means of avoiding exposure.

Yet what received most of the attention and publicity?  PPE.  We have been and still are as of August 2022, lectured ad nauseum about “saving grandma” by wearing a mask.

That’s right. The least important element in the Hierarchy of Controls has been the focus of constant propaganda from “official” sources.

According to Tyson Gabriel, Level 1 and Level 2 are the only studies used to implement new sciences in the public sphere. Well, except during the Covid pandemic when these studies were deemed irrelevant.

How are Exposure Policies Normally Formulated for Public & Medical Settings?

Of course, a rigorous testing procedure is required to ensure the public and medical facility policies match actual scientific results. In the case of mask science, the CDC did produce many studies to justify their narrative which was Universal Masking.

But there was a problem.

Every single study on which they relied, was badly flawed when viewed through the lens of the only industry recognized to truly know how to protect people from microscopic danger – such as infection from a 0.07 micron sized SARS-CoV-2 particle.

Here’s the normal process required by the Exposure Science industry to formulate policies that mandate certain behaviors in the public sphere – like Universal Mask Mandates:

Problems With CDC Studies Allegedly Proving Masks Are Effective

Look at that pyramid infographic above. Most of the studies set forth by the CDC and others who claim that universal masking – or using a mask at all – will work to protect people from spreading Covid-19 or being infected by it, didn’t even make it out of the Level 4 – “Starting Points”.

Some made it to Level 3. This is especially true with the CDC’s studies in support of mask mandates. Ignoring these critical steps is dangerous to the public. The CDC ignored the most important steps in their public policy formulation.

Doctors don’t use masks to protect themselves from being infected. The purpose for which health professionals use masks is to protect the patient from the Doctor sneezing or coughing droplets into an open wound or onto a patient.

Surgical masks have nothing to do with protection against aerosols. Medical settings (hospitals) and laboratory testing facilities have a number of other infection mitigations happening at the same time as wearing masks.

Testing in these environments produces skewed results.

Some examples of other mitigations to filter out virus particles are: HVAC systems, negative or positive pressure rooms with no air flow in or out of the room and PPE with specific donning and doffing routines applied by trained professionals.

These procedures are the result of Exposure Science. They were developed by scientists and engineers of the exposure science field over many decades of experience.

When the CDC posted about 70 studies on their website in the late summer of 2020, allegedly proving that “masks work,” the true believers out there were emboldened to be morally justified when they denigrated non-mask wearers. Amazingly, such public shaming of non-mask-wearers persists to this day (August 25, 2022).

What – Exactly – Happens With Universal Masking of the Public?

The last half of Tyson Gabriel’s video to which I’m referring, deals with the countless flaws in these studies. As I already stated, he points out that each and every study set forth by the CDC to “prove” the efficacy of universal masking, fails to answer one basic question:

“What – exactly – happens with Universal Masking of the Public?”

Nobody at the CDC bothered to ask this question. The CDC used laboratory studies under controlled conditions. Here are just some of the flaws Mr. Gabriel found:

  • Test subjects held their breath
  • In some, they breathed only through their nose
  • People held their head in a steady position
    • They used old equipment which was not calibrated (this was admitted in one preprint, omitted in a new preprint)
  • Nearly every study made a point to comment on a discovery which made it sound as if it was of great importance. But these were not new discoveries. They were well-known to exposure scientists
  • What happens when masks are worn for hours on end in the real-world?
  • What happens when mask is cross-contaminated?
  • What happens when masks are worn daily for weeks and weeks?
  • When eating, the mask is touched, removed, moved to chin, falls to the floor, put in a pocket, on a car seat, re-used multiple times a day, etc. How does that impact the efficacy?
  • What happens to the droplets once they are in the mask?
  • What happens to the virus particles once the water droplets evaporate?
  • Do infectious particles move from the mask surface to other surfaces?
  • Does the mask cause extra build-up of virus material? Or bacteria in nasal passages? In lung pathways? Near our brain?
  • Additional risks and collateral issues are not studied in the CDC studies

Studies to answer these questions exist. The CDC just ignored and didn’t acknowledge them.

More Variables The CDC Mask-Wearing Studies Failed To Address

Every human breath contains a certain volume of air. That air has to go somewhere when exhaled and comes from somewhere when inhaled. Masks do not impede this flow of air as you saw in Dr. Noel’s vape video demo above. And if they do impede the flow of air too much, serious problems can arise with oxygen and CO2 levels in the mask-wearer.

Donning & Doffing is the specific procedure of putting on and taking off Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and clothing. Procedures were created by the Exposure Science industry because science showed decades ago that microscopic infections virus and other particles collect on the outside & inside of masks.

This is why Donning and Doffing procedures exist.

Now we place these collection devices (masks) on our children for hours and days on end. This is dangerous. What are they breathing in? What’s growing on the inside of those masks?

People have a right to believe their CDC is competent, honest and disclosing everything. The CDC failed badly with respect to efficacy of Universal Masking.

Update from August 25, 2022:
Who was leading the charge for universal masking in the United States? Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Last week, we learned he is now retiring. Megyn Kelly, an American conservative journalist and political commentator, published a video rant about him on August 25, 2020. It’s about 19 minutes long.  

If truthfulness from our non-elected officials like Dr. Fauci matters to you, I suggest you watch it. Be advised, she is passionate and uses some  . . . how shall I say . . . “colorful” language in this rant.

She exposes the massive amount of harm Dr. Fauci foisted on the American public. Rather than provide a review here, I suggest you watch it.

Specific Flawed Studies Used To Allegedly “Prove” Mask Efficacy

Inherent Risk Of Using Facemasks For Prolonged Periods

As discovered and reported by the Exposure Science Industry, Universal Masking does more harm than good. Here are just a few examples of harms forced on people during the pandemic:

  • WHO published a 22-page detailed PDF in December 2020 encouraging the universal usage of masking up to protect against SARS-CoV-2 transmission and infection. A section of this document warns against the following adverse reactions to the over-use of face masks:
    • contamination of the mask due to its manipulation by contaminated hands (53, 54);
    • potential self-contamination that can occur if medical masks are not changed when wet, soiled or damaged; or by frequent touching/adjusting when worn for prolonged periods (55);
    • possible development of facial skin lesions, irritant dermatitis or worsening acne, when used frequently for long hours (56-58);
    • discomfort, facial temperature changes and headaches from mask wearing (44, 59, 60);
    • false sense of security leading potentially to reduced adherence to well recognized preventive measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene; and risk-taking behaviors (61-64);
    • difficulty wearing a mask in hot and humid environments
    • possible risk of stock depletion due to widespread use in the context of universal masking and targeted continuous mask use and consequent scarcity or unavailability for health workers caring for COVID 19 patients and during health care interactions with non-COVID-19 patients where medical masks or respirators might be required.
    • The also admit on Page 8 of this document the following:
      “At present there is only limited and inconsistent scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 (75). A large randomized community-based trial in which 4862 healthy participants were divided into a group wearing medical/surgical masks and a control group found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2 (76).”
      Yet, the WHO, governments worldwide, big tech, mainstream media and social media continued – and still continues – to lecture the general public to “mask up” (. . . or you’ll kill grandma to quote Gabriel Tyson’s video from earlier in this article).
    • Irritant dermatitis or worsening acknew when used frequently for long hours;
    • headache and/or breathing difficulties, depending on type of mask used;
    • difficulty with communicating clearly, especially for persons who are deaf or have poor hearing or use lip reading;
    • a false sense of security leading to potentially lower adherence to other critical preventive measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene;
    • waste management issues; improper mask disposal leading to increased litter in public places and environmental hazards;
    • disadvantages for or difficulty wearing masks, especially for children, developmentally challenged persons, those with mental illness, persons with cognitive impairment, those with asthma or chronic respiratory or breathing problems, those who have had facial trauma or recent oral maxillofacial surgery and those living in hot and humid environments;
  • Nature Scientific Reports, bacteria and fungi growing on face masks
  • A Canadian-Israeli study from February 2022 shows face masks disrupt holistic processing and face perception in school-aged children.
  • Restricted breathing: Here’s video evidence that resulted in policy changes in the State of Oregon, USA, when a runner from Summit HS in Oregon collapses and passes out just as she crossed the finish line in an 800-meter foot race.
  • An Italian study showed that face masks and N95/FFP2 masks increased Co2 levels from inhaled air above the acceptable exposure threshold.
  • The University of Muenster in Germany discovered SARS-CoV-2 can remain infectious for several days right on the N95 masks and increase the risk of self-infection.
  • Several children in China fainted and died after being required to wear a face mask during gym class. The autopsies showed sudden cardiac arrest as the likely cause of death.
  • A driver in New Jersey passed out while driving and crashed their car due to wearing an N95 mask behind the wheel. Medical authorities claimed the driver experienced a lack of oxygen and breathed excessive carbon dioxide thanks to the mask.


There’s simply no rational reason for wearing facemasks for the purpose of either protecting one’s self from infection from SARS-CoV-2 or transmitting it to others.

This fact has been well known since before the start of the pandemic. Even more evidence was produced and readily available by the summer of 2020.

The face mask has become the international symbol of Covid-19 and for those who have not studied the issue, remains an important method to protect themselves and others.

Sadly, they could not be more wrong or ill-informed.

I blame government officials in collaboration with big tech, mainstream media and social media for amplifying and spreading falsehoods that have resulted in countless injuries and even death due to policies forced on the public.

It’s time to shine a bright light of truth on this and many other issues that have served only to harm the public, punish people without due cause and restrict liberties and freedoms worldwide.

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