Prevention and Early Treatment Protocols for Covid-19

The first thing to realize is that Covid-19 is not the big bad boogie-man that has propagandized fear into the masses. It just ISN’T. The government, backed by mainstream media and supported by all-things-big-tech, has been selling fear since Covid emerged on the scene.

Fear is a tool of dictators, totalitarians, and authoritarians.  Sadly, most of the fear they sold was and still is unfounded, despite their claims to the contrary. I discovered this back in April 2020.  Nevertheless, they were largely successful instilling a fear-based response in large segments of the public.

This article will debunk many of the issues on which those fears were based. As you will see, Covid-19 may be dangerous to a very small segment of the population. But not to the masses. For those at the greatest risk, effective prevention and treatment has always been available and was known before the summer of 2020.

But those prevention and treatment options were actively supressed and censored, the professionals (physicians, scientists and others) who desperately tried to educate the public how to better deal with this virus were threatened with loss of medical licenses and worse. 

This article is just one more attempt to educate people of a better approach, cheaper and more effective way to manage a novel virus that is here to stay.  Fear is destructive.  Knowledge is constructive. Here you will find truths of which you may not have known.

I like the saying “My rights don’t end where your fear begins.”  It’s appropriate when applied to the hysteria surrounding Covid-19.

Covid-19 Survival Rate Much Higher Than You’ve Been Told

For the vast majority of us, more than 99.5% would survive Covid-19 if we got it and didn’t treat the symptoms at all. How can I make such a bold statement? Because virtually every mortality report, study or claim I ever heard overstates the actual death rate from Covid by omitting one very important element from their calculation: The IFR (Infection Fatality Rate)

The IFR is far different from the CFR (Case Fatality Rate). The public has been fed a constant diet of CFR when the FDA, CDC and others know very well the IFR is the only true measure of the morbidity of any disease.

It’s rare to find anyone who is familiar with the terms CFR (Case Fatality Rate) and IFR (Infection Fatality Rate). But these are very real statistics. Sadly, these numbers are not reported to the masses.

Measuring the Infection Fatality Rate

The IFR is Calculated by adding the total number of cases PLUS the total number of non-reported infections by the number of deaths. The public has been duped into thinking the morbidity rate is far higher than it really is because the estimated infections are omitted.

So that begs the question, exactly how many more people are infected with Covid-19 than the reported cases? The answer is. . . a lot. How do we know? This issue has been carefully studied. But the public has been kept in the dark. You can prove this to yourself.

Ask several people you know how many more people are infected with Covid-19 than those who reported their illness to a medical practitioner so it can be counted. You’ll quickly learn almost nobody knows how many, but most will guess there are many more infections than reported cases.

According to the following 10 studies, the infection rate is 6 to 24 times higher than the case rate. Think about that. I mean, just from a common sense, logical perspective, this makes sense. Many people who become ill – the below statistics show it’s far more than half – never see a doctor and therefore never report their sickness to any healthcare system. Furthermore, there are millions of infections with no symptoms (asymptomatic). Check out these studies:

  1. June 28, 2020, CDC Antibody Study, 6 to 24 times more infections than cases
  2. February 26, 2021, NPR Reports from Columbia University Study, 10 times more infections than cases
  3. September 20, 2020, Nature Communications, Infections 3 to 20 times higher than cases
  4. November 27, 2020, Spectrum News 1 citing the CDC, Infections 8 times higher than cases
  5. November 18, 2020, Royal Society Open Science, Infections 6.2 times higher than cases
  6. July 24, 2020, The BMJ, Infections more than 10 times higher than cases
  7. December 2021, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, IFR of 0.63% (0.53% to 0.82%) which means a survival rate of 99.47% to 99.18%.
  8. August 4, 2020, The WHO stated that “. . . a substantial proportion of people with the infection are undetected either because they are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms and thus typically fail to present at healthcare facilities. They also state the estimated Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is approximately 0.5% to 0.1% (in other words, a 99.5% to 99.9% survival rate.
  9. September 13, 2020, UC Berkley, Infections are 9 time higher than cases (89% of infections are undocumented)
  10. January 2021, Annals of Internal Medicine provides a more accurate view of Covid morbidity rates than the information fed to the public by government, big tech and mainstream media. They calculated the Infection Fatality Rate as follows:
    1. 00.01% (99.99% survival rate) for people under age 40.
    2. 00.18% (99.82% survival rate) for whites.
    3. 00.59% (99.41% survival rate) for non-whites.
    4. 01.71% (98.29% survival rate) for people 60 and over.
    5. 00.26% (99.74% survival rate) for the overall population
    6. The average age of the deceased was 69.

When you compare the IFRs above with the over-reporting of Covid deaths by the mainstream media et all, it’s easy to see how there’s a strong likelihood that the true survival rate is even higher than the overall 99.74% shown above.

And to further emphasize my position that the morbidity of Covid-19 is not nearly what has been claimed publicly, the CDC reports only 5% to 6% of the so-called Covid deaths list Covid as the “only” cause of death.

This number isn’t even considered in the examples above. If it was, the overall morbidity rate would indeed be miniscule. For these reasons and more, the best way to handle Covid is NOT the draconian lockdowns, masking and other usurpations of liberty we saw since 2020.

Nor is it the mass injection of an experimental drug. It’s a simple preventative and treatment plan.

Prevention and Early Treatment of Covid-19

With respect to prevention and early treatment of Covid-19, please be aware that . . .

  • for those few who are at high risk
  • for those to whom Covid-19 and many other diseases can prove deadly,
  • for those who want to maximize the effectiveness of their own immune system,
  • for those who simply reject “the jab” regardless of their reasons, and honestly, and in fact
  • for everyone,

there are very effective protocols and treatments which are more effective than the mRNA gene therapies (aka “vaccines”). The adverse events from these protocols are so few and far between as to be considered statistically zero.

These prevention and treatment options reduce and eliminate symptoms from Covid-19, keep people out of the hospital and prevent deaths.

Many highly respected physicians and scientists believe that if the USA and other countries had focused on prevention and early treatment instead of chasing an elusive and now-proven-to-be-ineffective vaccine protocol, about 85% of deaths attributed to Covid-19 would not have happened and very little hospitalization would have been required. (See Senate testimony from Dr. Peter McCullough)

The draconian measures taken by the United States and most other countries like lockdowns, vaccine mandates, school closures, masking up, quashing civil rights such as freedom of association and assembly, violating freedom of speech, active censorship by the government and big tech unholy partnership, quarantine camps for the healthy (think “Australia”), travel restrictions, destruction of countless businesses and entire economies, vaccine mandates causing people to lose their incomes and careers, etc., were not necessary and still aren’t.

But you won’t hear that through most news outlets, government, big tech, the mainstream media and big social media.

Uttar Pradesh Becomes “Covid-19 Free”

Did you know there’s already a great example of how to beat Covid-19? Yep. It’s Uttar Pradesh, India’s largest state. They, like much of India, were being ravaged by Covid-19, with massive cases, overrun hospitals and deaths.

Then something remarkable happened. They started a preventative treatment plan and nearly obliterated the disease. So, in a state with a population of about 240 million, 2/3 the population of the entire United States, their Covid case rate for today (December 22, 2021) is 23 and the 7-day average is 22.

Wait. WHAT? Only 22 cases as a daily average?

That’s a statistical ZERO in a population of more than 240 million. As a percent of population, that would be about 0.00000958333%.

So, WHY aren’t you hearing this all over the news, social media, big tech, from Dr. Fauci, etc.? Here’s the chart from “right now” while I’m writing this on December 21, 2021:

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California, by contrast, shows 10,873 “TODAY” and a 7-day average of 8,501. This USA state has a population of about 40 million:

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How did Uttar Pradesh do it? By doing exactly what I’m talking about in this and other articles. They simply implemented a state-wide preventative campaign with early treatment for those who get Covid-19. Notice they did not rely on mandated and coerced “vaccines”. They included Ivermectin as part of the preventative measures AND a more aggressive prescription of Ivermectin as early treatment the moment somebody tested positive for Covid-19.

Imagine that. Did you hear the collective gasp from the MSM (mainstream media, big tech, Google, Dr. Fauci?) as I dared to show these stats that are so easy to find?

Yeah. That’s what I thought.

I learned about this back in mid-September 2021. Check out the information for yourself.

Prevention and Early Treatment is the Key

Just like with so many diseases, early treatment is the key to success. General good health plays an invaluable role. If you don’t feel you’re very healthy, there are all kinds of things you can do to improve your health and immune system without much change to your lifestyle and for very little expense.

First, I’ll tell you what I am personally doing, which I believe, based on more than a year of intense research, is more effective than vaccines.

I found a physician through the resources you’ll see below, who has successfully treated thousands of Covid patients. I had a telemedicine appointment and got myself on his protocol that includes the following:

  • Supplements: Omega-3 with CoQ10, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium-Magnesium Malate, Quercetin Phytosome, FlorMend Prime Probiotic, Vitamin D/K2 Liquid, B-Complex #12, Zinc Picolinate 30 mg. (purchased from Thorne)
  • Ivermectin (twice a week) as a preventative

Does it work? I believe so. Here’s my anecdotal story:

All I can say is I “think” I was exposed several times after starting this protocol, but I “know” I was heavily exposed once after starting the protocol. On the day when I “KNOW” I was heavily exposed to Covid-19, I spent several hours with a family, all of whom had Covid-19 at the time. I held a baby who was drooling and coughing on me; sat across the dinner table from a 6-year-old who was sneezing and coughing. I was also in close quarters with 2 adults who had active cases of Covid-19 for hours that day (they didn’t know it until a few hours after we parted ways). All of them had Covid-19 at the time with symptoms. Three were diagnosed within a couple hours of when I left. The 4th was diagnosed the next day. They had the Delta variant.

I didn’t contract Covid-19 and was tested twice in the 2 weeks after that event. Think what you want but that’s my real-world first-hand example.

August 23, 2022 update on my Covid-19 Protocol: In June 2022 I traveled to Alaska. Within about 5 days of my return, on Saturday, July 2, 2022, I felt like I had some symptoms: slight fever, runny nose, small headache, more tired than usual. So, I took a Covid-19 test I had been saving. Yep. Sure enough, I had it according to the at-home test. So, I immediately followed the advice of my doctor, which he gave me in September 2021. That’s when I started his protocol. I increased my Ivermectin dosage, as well as the zinc, vitamins D and C. The next day (Sunday) my fever increased as did the other symptoms, except headache. The worst symptom was fatigue. Fever remained low. On Monday, fever peaked at 101.9. Tuesday fever was down to about 99.5. By Wednesday, the fever was gone and all other symptoms had disappeared except for slight fatigue, which may also have been caused by lack of sleep.

So, my experience was an extremely mild case of Covid-19. Nevertheless, I now have natural antibodies. I attribute this easy experience to the protocol, which was very similar to what was used in Uttar Pradesh, India. I also attribute the fact that I had been exposed multiple times previous to my own infection and didn’t get infected.

I know this is only an anectotal experience, but it’s consistent with everything I studied and learned about how to deal with it. One more thing . . . I’m in the supposedly “high risk” age group at age 69 as of time of this update. Everyone I know who followed a preventative protocol coupled with early treatment had a similar experience as mine. Those who didn’t follow a preventative protocol, but nevertheless started treatment within 24 hours of a positive test ALSO had a very quick recovery from Covid-19 symptoms.

Protocols for Prophylaxis (Prevention) and Early Treatment of Covid-19

There’s a LOT you can do if you want to stay away from the largest human drug trial in human history – experimenting with mRNA and other vaccines, none of which (worldwide) have undergone the normal rigorous years-long testing to ensure safety for those being injected with this stuff.

Here are several links you can use to educate yourself on preventative and early treatment options:

I Will Not Allow MRNA Gene Therapies To Be Injected Into My Body

So far, I have shown some of the reasons why, as of the date of original publication of this article and this most recent update, August 23, 2022, I won’t allow any of these drugs, mislabeled as vaccines to be injected into my body.

I make no value judgments against those who favor injecting themselves with mRNA/DNA gene therapies. They are free to evaluate risks and make their own choices.

However, I do hope that my readers who have chosen or are considering the mRNA/DNA path, read with an open mind and consider the information provided in this series of articles before getting the first or second shots or any booster(s).

Informed consent is the law. But it has NOT been followed with the roll-out of these so-called “vaccines”. Most of my readers who got the injection(s) will discover truths that were not disclosed prior to the shot.

If you pursue the mRNA/DNA path, that’s your right and your business. I wish you all the best. I only ask that you treat those of us who choose a different path with the same respect that we offer to you.

Standing For Something

This is the title of a New York Times best seller book by Gordon B. Hinkley, past President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and a man whom I admire deeply. In it, he points out the importance of having a core set of values that are good and true.

It is my hope that this article and others, will inspire you to follow a path to truth, regardless of where it leads, even if that truth is contrary to conventional wisdom. Let your core values include liberty and reject tyranny. Learn to recognize propaganda when you see it. I’ll help.

The history of human governance on earth is one of rule by the aggressive use of force. Most people who have ever lived, including in our present day, do NOT have the liberties and freedoms that started with the Constitution of the United States of America.

This style of freedom has spread to many countries now, but still, the majority of the world’s population DO NOT have the freedoms granted to those in what we call “the free world”. These liberties are hard-won. And they’re all too easy to lose. I see them slipping away at an alarming and fast pace.

We in the free world have come closer than at any time in my life to losing much of the human rights, liberty and freedom I’ve known for the approximate 6 decades that I have roamed the earth. I’m doing my part to share the concepts of liberty and freedom.

I’m doing my best to conserve them (which is why I refer to this website as a “conservative blog”). You can help by sharing the content from this and my other articles with your friends, family and other contacts.

Knowledge truly is power. This blog is dedicated to helping preserve and expand liberty for everyone. Be watching for additional articles as they’re published and consider registering for my newsletter to be notified each time I publish new content.

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