Covid-19 Has Been Politicized

Updated August 23, 2023

This article shows how the government, big tech and big media have colluded to usurp constitutionally guaranteed rights from Americans and exert more control over citizens here in the USA and across the globe. This has been done by carefully orchestrated propaganda and lies to spread fear. It has been effective. And it must stop and the damage done must be reversed. 

Many people innocently buy into these beliefs and don’t realize they are advocating Leftist ideology, the natural result of which is authoritarian ruled by governments who are led by dictators and tyrants. The most well-known of these ideologies are Communism and Socialism. The core beliefs originate from the writings of Karl Marx and his followers.

Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideologies promote the exact opposite of the Constitutional Republic which the Founding Fathers of the United States of America created. My purpose here is to help educate readers to the liberties and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

I’m convinced a majority of Americans want our Republic to survive the attempts of Leftists to convert our country into a socialist nation with Marxist ideals. Sadly, too many Americans – and I might add freedom-loving people everywhere – are unaware of how the promises and policies of Left-leaning politicians they elect remove the very freedoms and liberties they hold dear.

Please understand, this article and others on this website are presented as educational and research material which has been documented and sourced from credible authorities. The opinions presented are my own. But I know many conservatives share the conservative positions I take.

Why I Wrote Articles About Covid-19

I didn’t write these Covid articles to bash and denigrate those who believe the propaganda. As stated above, I wrote them to educate others and provide authoritative sources to back up the opinions and facts expressed.

I apply the term “propaganda” to a large body of information spewing forth from American and other government leaders (including much of the mainstream media in America) because after all my study, I have concluded the information continually fed to the American public by government, big tech, big pharama, mainstream media and big social media, is largely false, misleading and supports a single political agenda.  

Furthermore, this false agenda has caused almost incalculable and completely avoidable injury and death to Americans and others around the world whose governments have followed a similar path.

Most other Western countries have adopted similar policies as did the USA since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The public has been fed a steady diet of lies, half-truths, and deliberate misinformation by these parties while claiming THEY are the only arbiters of truth.

I wrote these articles to respond to a growing number of people in my business and personal life who ask me why I didn’t get vaccinated, who want to know why I’m so opposed to the mandates, lockdowns, censorship, incessant propaganda and outright lies heaped on the public since Covid-19 emerged in early 2020.

It occurred to me there are likely MILLIONS of people who feel the same as I do but don’t know how to articulate an answer and haven’t had time to do the research I have done.

If this describes you, these articles can be a resource for you. Share a link to this article that leads to the entire series so we can educate others. People won’t find this information by searching Google or the other big search engines.

Why? Because Google is a big part of the problem. So are Bing, Yahoo and most big Social Media. They actively censor information contrary to the official narrative that vaccines are the ONLY solution to the Covid-19 issue.

If you finish reading my articles on this topic, you will also likely discover the big lie that this virus required the draconian lockdowns and tyrannical measures implemented by governments (and business) against people worldwide.

You won’t find the data I write about on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or the other big social media because, like the search engines, they actively censor this type of information, cancel accounts of those who post it and follow up by denigrating these people, labeling them with terms such as “anti-vaxxers”, call their information “misinformation” and generally attempt to discredit very good, smart and highly respected professionals.

The information here isn’t censored or suppressed. I hosted these articles and some of the linked content on my own private servers. I’m not controlled by big tech, big media or any government.

My Covid articles explain in simple terms my beliefs about the REAL misinformation, which comes right from the top of government, big tech and big social media.

The public is being manipulated and controlled because access to truthful information is limited and those who publish it and teach others are being cancelled.

There’s a Better Way to Deal with Covid-19

I also wrote these articles to help spread the very good news that there are better and more effective methods of dealing with the current so-called pandemic and many others similar to it. You’ll find that information in my article “Are Covid-19 Vaccines Safe and Effective As Advertised?” These protocols are cheap and proven more effective than the so-called “vaccines.”

Why has this information been suppressed, hidden and censored? You’ll understand more about government, media and big tech reasons to quash this information as you go through these articles.

I’m writing as both a warning about the encroaching tyrannical usurpation of our most basic freedoms by government and their willing partners in the media and big tech, and to show better ways of dealing with this (and other) coronaviruses.

After an enormous amount of research between about April 2020 and October 2021, I started writing a single article on this topic, thinking that would be enough. The more I wrote, the more it was obvious this topic initially requires a series of articles – and likely more after that.

The volume of data emerging that runs contrary to government narratives is enormous and grows daily.  Accordingly, I have several articles dealing with various aspects of this topic.

What I learned is this: You should absolutely QUESTION EVERYTHING coming from mainstream media, social media, FDA, CDC, big tech, big pharma, and most government leaders, especially those on the political Left. Especially question THE DATA and what “they” claim is “the science.”


Below is an infographic I created. It shows my personal journey of discovery to learn about Covid-19 and what to do about it (if anything) from April 2020 to the publication of this series of articles starting in November 2021.

This infographic is meant to provide you a quick and easy-to-understand overview of the issues that led to my beliefs which are contrary to the mainstream media, social media, big tech search engines and the government narrative which has become, in my view, nothing but propaganda.

I usually refer to the current crop of Covid-19 vaccines as “gene therapies” instead of vaccines. That’s exactly what they are, according to Dr. Robert Malone, one of the original inventors of mRNA and one of the original patent holders for this technology. But first, here’s that infographic:

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The safety and efficacy of both the mRNA (Pfizer & Moderna) and the double-stranded DNA (Johnson and Johnson) gene therapies are not traditional vaccines. They were released on the public without coming anywhere close to meeting the rigorous safety and efficacy standards of ALL previous vaccines authorized for use in the USA for decades.

There hasn’t yet been enough time to properly evaluate safety. At least not in the manner previous vaccines were evaluated for safety; this is true even as of this update on August 23, 2022. Safety studies have not been conducted in the same manner with these drugs – the mRNA gene therapies – as they were with all previous vaccines approved for use in the history of vaccines produced in the USA.

Record-breaking evidence of severe adverse reaction and deaths resulting from mRNA/DNA gene therapy (aka “vaccine”) injections are mounting rapidly.

In 2020 as we were all going through these massive life changes imposed by governments worldwide as a response to Covid-19, I want to show you what gave me a lot of hope and encouragement. So much of what we were being told simply defied common sense. Until I found . . .


This deserves its own section. When I first heard of it, I thought the name sounded a bit pretentious and royal. Then I learned it was simply named after the Massachusetts town where it was drafted and signed (Great Barrington, Massachusetts).

When I first read (and signed) this online document, only 3 weeks after it was published on October 4, 2020, it was like a breath of fresh air. FINALLY, a voice of reason out of the insane politics of division driving the official narrative from mainstream media, government leaders and social media giants.

Three well-respected doctor-scientists formulated a better public policy and called it “The Great Barrington Declaration,” named after the Massachusetts town in which it was crafted.

This declaration was originally co-signed by 43 additional medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners, whose names and brief biographies you’ll see by continuing to scroll down the above page.

Their concept STILL has not been adopted in the USA, but in my opinion, it should be. Instead, there has been a steady effort to discredit and cancel these very well-credentialed and well-respected physicians/scientists.

UPDATE: As of August 11, 2022, the CDC updated its guidelines relative to Covid-19 protocols. These guidelines are close to the guidelines set forth almost 2 years ago by The Great Barrington Declaration. Although late to the party, it’s refreshing to see this governmental agency FINALLY recommending at least some of the clinically driven advice from tens of thousands of professionals worldwide since the inception of the pandemic.

This document (The Great Barrington Declaration) that tens of thousands of physicians, doctors and scientists ALSO signed in agreement within only a few weeks of publication . . . was taken offline by their original host ISP almost immediately.

Why?  Their advice and learned opinions did not fit the official narrative of vaccines-are-the-only-solution to the pandemic.

Of course, they found a permanent home for the website soon after.

That’s right. Those in power have been doing whatever they can to silence dissenting opinions since well BEFORE the gene therapies (aka “vaccines”) were rolled out in early 2021.

This is NOT the free society which I always believed was my birthright, which held free speech as the first and MOST important right in the Bill of Rights.

I was alarmed and angered by these tactics. I still am and I see society being torn apart by powerful people who continually try to censor, de-platform and silence those of us who disagree with them. They don’t value freedom of speech and our First Amendment.

I do.


As of August 23, 2022, there are nearly a million signatures – here’s a screenshot from The Great Barrington Declaration website:

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What Does the Great Barrington Declaration Advocate?

Essentially, they advocate for a commonsense approach to fighting against Covid-19. It’s one in which the vast majority of people – whose lives are NOT in danger from Covid-19 – are allowed and encouraged to live their lives quite normally, while focusing the protective measures on those in society who are most vulnerable.

It’s simple. It’s rational. It is REJECTED by those in power who want the mRNA gene therapy “vaccines” to be the singular solution to Covid-19. The Great Barrington Declaration is accepted and embraced by almost a million people as of the August 2022 update of this article (of course, it grows daily). As of the ORIGINAL publication date of this article, The Great Barrington Declaration has been signed by:

  • 15,386 medical and public health scientists
  • 45,363 medical practitioners
  • 836,337 concerned citizens (including ME)

If you read it and believe its principles, I urge you to sign it also.

In one division of my business, I build websites and do SEO for clients. I was stunned that, within only 3 weeks of publication, The Great Barrington Declaration website had gathered more than 500,000 signatures, more than 40,000 of which were physicians and scientists from all over the world.

How is this possible? They didn’t advertise. There wasn’t sufficient time to conduct Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Word of mouth made it possible.

If you aren’t familiar with it, you SHOULD be. I really do urge you to check it out.

Info Hidden From the Public

Through my independent research, I discovered an enormous amount of credible information, from physicians, scientists and other researchers, all of whom are authoritative in their respective fields. These people and their attempts to have their voices heard were actively being censored and hidden from the public.

How is this done?

Google and other search engines refuse to index their websites. Social media shadow bans and outright bans and cancels the accounts of these people and places warnings on the information they publish. They are publicly shamed and ridiculed.

Physicians in every one of the 50 United States were threatened by the medical licensing authorities in their states with cancellation of their medical license and livelihoods.

Why? Because when they tried to treat patients, they were told NOT to do so. Treatment plans did NOT fit the narrative passed down from government “authorities.”

So-called ‘fact-checkers’ publish false information as if it were truth, designed to damage their credibility. There’s more, but you get the picture.

All this is a direct assault on the Freedom of Speech guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Many other countries guarantee freedom of speech. But they violated this basic human right and exerted undue and illegal control over their populations.

These governments, mainstream media, social media and major search engines were complicit in this well-coordinated effort to prevent the truth from reaching the masses. This was and still is a worldwide phenomenon.

THAT’S one of the biggest reasons this article is titled “Covid-19 Has Been Politicized.”

I’ve been following the writings and interviews of several well-respected sources for nearly a year and a half as of the date this article was originally published in November 2021. When you have time, I strongly recommend that you ALSO check some of these sources for yourself (see below).

Much of the value you can gain from these articles is from the links and research I provide. It’s well worth your time to read the articles, listen to the interviews, watch the presentations and speeches, read the reports and studies I provide.

Please bear in mind, there has been a concerted effort to silence these voices, destroy their careers, censor their speech, cancel them from social media, search engine results and even take down their private websites.

They’ve been denigrated personally and professionally, falsely labeled as “anti-vaxxers” and their very credible work has been falsely labeled as medical disinformation. Yet when “I” read their articles and watch their interviews, and check their sources, I find TRUTH.

There’s a saying: “Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers?”. This has never been more important than NOW. YOU need to check them. I’ll help.

I urge you to take the time to watch at least some of the videos linked in this section – and read the reports. You won’t find this level of critical thinking in your average news report or from government sources.

That said, here’s just a small sampling of the many resources I found and used to educate myself about the lies and propaganda being fed to the American public and most populations worldwide:

  • Robert Malone, MD, Original Inventor & Patent Holder of mRNA
  • Dr. Peter McCullough (McCullough holds the honor of being one of the most cited medical doctors at the National Library of Medicine, with more than peer-reviewed 600 citations.)
    • Warning about 1,000s of deaths from Covid Vaccines.
    • Senate Testimony (ignored and suppressed) on April 21, 2021, urging the government to emphasize early treatment and showing exactly how 85% of reported Covid deaths could have been prevented and CAN be prevented in the future.
  • Senator Ron Johnson
    • Press release listening to many adverse events victims (at 46:48 he shows statistics)
    • Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates – November 2, 2021 – censored & removed by YouTube
      • Imagine THAT! YouTube thinks Senate Hearing information violates their policies. They think YOU should not be exposed to free speech from a sitting United States Senator. I think you NEED to know these things so here’s the full, unedited version:
        • Here it is on Odysee – in full, un-edited U.S. Senate Hearing
          • Starts at 30:23 (recorded from live stream)
          • This is about 2.5 hours of testimony (starting at 30:23)
          • You’ll see some of the best expert testimony
          • Well worth the time. This valuable information was censored and suppressed, mocked and ridiculed by social media, mainstream media, government bureaucrats and Leftists.

The public NEEDS to know these things.

  • Steve Kirsch, Serial Entrepreneur
  • Dr. Ryan Cole, Board-Certified Pathologist, Mayo Clinic
    • Dr. Cole’s Website
    • Comments on the Leftist, negative bias by big tech (search engines, social media, etc.) against people like Dr. Cole to do not agree with the “official narrative”.
      • Almost ALL of the physicians, scientists and others listed in this section and throughout the article have been denigrated heavily by government, media, professional associations, other colleagues, the entire tech sector and cancelled by most social media. They’re under heavy attack for the simple act of making statements and backing up those statements with evidence. These are some of the bravest people on the planet who stand up for true principles against overwhelming odds.
      •  Do a Google search of “Dr. Ryan Cole” and you’ll see what I mean. You’d think he was one of the biggest scoundrels ever to walk the earth. He’s not. In fact he’s a skilled, knowledgeable, and until Covid, very well respected doctor. This is a great piece of evidence showing the bias of big tech (Google) Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated
      • Do the exact same search on and the first organic result is the “about” page of his website, second is the news page from his website; there are a couple of irrelevant listings above those organic result. This is a non-biased search of the Internet; big difference from Google:
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    • Dr. Ryan Cole Speech: Post-Investigational Vaccine Deaths
      • Why aren’t we analyzing vaccine deaths? (from 00:00 to about 04:00
      • Spike Protein dangers (starts at about 04:08)
        • Does NOT stay in the cell
        • Spike protein CAUSES the disease, it “IS” the toxin
        • Where spike protein goes in the human body
      • Lying to American public by calling it a vaccine (07:27)
        • These are “investigational drugs”, an experiment on humans
        • It crosses the blood-brain barrier
        • Poisonous attack on our society needs to stop NOW.
  • Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Board Certified family physician for more than 20 years
    • Dr. Zenenko argues against the use of mRNA drug therapies
      • His team has directly treated more than 6,000 Covid patients
      • He has trained 100’s of physicians who currently treat Covid-19.
      • His group of physicians has treated millions of patients worldwide (not just USA)
      • Some of his notable patients
        • President Trump
        • Rudy Juliani
        • President Bulsinara of Brazil
    • Some interesting comments from this interview with time stamps
      • 11:39 “If everyone on the planet got Covid and did NOT get treated, the death rate would be less than 0.5%
      • 13:51 Cites … Dec 20 spike in death in Israel – that’s when national immunization started.
      • 15:45 Cites HIV nobel prize winner stating “This is the biggest risk of genocide in the history of mankind.”
      • 20:45 – Evidence that VAERS rejects reports of death; reports that were filed are being scrubbed.
      • 22:45 – “It’s a conspiracy to commit genocide” … it is NOT a conspiracy THEORY.
      • 25:28 – Trump’s executive order that everyone should have access to Hydroxychloroquine; Trump also got “Right to Try” legislation. Biden’s CDC had EUA that restricted use ONLY to hospitalized patients. He is citing documentary “Totally Under Control” by a doctor at the CDC. Used the Lancet study showing HDC caused death … but the study was retracted and shown to be fraudulent.
      • 27:36 – Drugs he was using cost $0.20/pill and reduced death & hospitalization 84%. He points out his treatment reduced market share for Remdesivir… by 84%.
      • 27:95 – CDCsays unless you’re in the hospital and oxygen is less than 92%, doctors may NOT treat Covid. There are studies showing 85% of healing … governments are corrupt and conspiring with each other
  • Attorney Thomas Renz
    • See His Reawaken America Tour Speech in Full – below are some notes from this speech
    • Data from the Medicare Tracking System reveals 19,400 less than 80 years old died within 14 days of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine
    • An additional 28,06 have died from the Covid vaccines that are over age 80 within 14 days of injection
    • Total number of Americans who died from the Vaccine according to the Medicare Tracking System is 48,465
    • The “Trusted News Initiative” is the source of government-initiated misinformation and propaganda
    • Dr. Fauci’s insistence that Remdesivir be the only hospital authorized treatment has resulted in much death.
      • From the Medicare Tracking System, information hidden from the public includes
        • 46% of Remdesivir recipients died within 14 days of treatment
        • 24.6% had serious adverse events
        • Why is Remdesivir even USED in American hospitals?
    • Covid deaths are published daily. Vaccine deaths are NOT ANNOUNCED to the public at all.
    • A transcript of this speech is available on his website.
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) – this speaks for itself – but you never saw THIS in the news, did you?

I provided the above sources to show you some of the sources I have followed. This article was originally written in November-December 2021. I updated and re-published it August 23, 2022. As of this month, much of the information presented has been proven true and finally acknowledged by some in the mainstream media and government.

But most of what they have been advocating remains at the core of their beliefs. For this reason, those of us who are politically conservative MUST remain vigilant. We need to educate others to truthful facts which continue to be actively spun into a wholly false meaning and believed by good people who are misled into a path that will result in loss of freedoms and liberty.

Now that you know, I urge you to share this and other articles with everyone you know!

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1 thought on “Covid-19 Has Been Politicized”

  1. May I simply say what a comfort to discover somebody who genuinely knows what they are talking about over the internet. You actually understand how to bring a problem to light and make it important. More people ought to check this out and understand this side of the story. I cant believe you arent more popular because you surely possess the gift.

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